Challenging a State Court Conviction in Federal Court in Pennsylvania

28 U.S. Code § 2254 provides one last chance for appealing a wrongful state court conviction by filing a petition in federal court. This type of petition would typically be filed once all other appeals have been exhausted. This means we may be able to help you even if the appeals courts have upheld a conviction on direct appeal and a post-conviction relief act petition filed in state court has been denied.

A criminal defendant who received the ineffective assistance of counsel in their state court trial, on direct appeal, or in the first round of state court PCRA proceedings may be eligible for relief in federal court. It is important to note that federal habeas petitions are extremely complicated and that the deadlines for filing them are very strict, so it is important to consult with an experienced defense attorney as soon as possible if you are considering filing one for your case. This article does not discuss all of the potential issues that a defendant may face in filing a successful federal habeas petition.

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