Update: Philadelphia Criminal Courts to Remain Closed Until June 1 Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Philadelphia Criminal Defense Lawyer Zak Goldstein
The Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas has announced that criminal courts will remain mostly closed until at least June 1. The courts originally shut down in the middle of March and had hoped to re-open by May 4, but the shutdown has now been extended. Under the court’s most recent shut down order, some functions remain available, but the courts are not currently conducting waiver or jury trials or preliminary hearings in any criminal cases. Some cases have been resolved through negotiated guilty pleas by video, but the majority of cases are being postponed until next month. Despite the shutdown, it is still possible to file and receive rulings on certain emergency petitions for defendants who are in custody. Emergency motions which are still being processed may include:
Parole Petitions for Inmates in County Custody
Bail Motions (Motions to Reduce Bail)
Motions to Lift Probation and Parole Detainers
Nebbia Motions
Bench Warrant Hearings
Additionally, the Philadelphia Police Department has announced that it will resume making arrests for a number of property and theft crimes such as burglary, retail theft, and auto theft. Defendants who are arrested on new charges will be processed and go through preliminary arraignment to have bail set on any new charges.
Criminal Defense Lawyers in Philadelphia
Our Philadelphia criminal defense lawyers are still working remotely and can help you with criminal charges. If you or your loved one have been arrested, is under investigation by the police, or may be eligible for a motion to be released from custody, call 267-225-2545 to speak with an award-winning defense attorney today.