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Attorney Goldstein Obtains Reduced Sentence for Client Following Successful Appeal in Drug Case

Criminal Defense Lawyer Zak T. Goldstein, Esquire

Philadelphia criminal defense attorney Zak T. Goldstein, Esquire, recently obtained a significantly reduced sentence for a client following a successful Superior Court appeal in a drug case. In the case of Commonwealth v. M.F., the defendant went to trial with a different attorney in Blair County on charges of drug delivery resulting in death, possession with the intent to deliver, recklessly endangering another person, criminal use of a communications facility, and possessing a controlled substance. The jury acquitted the defendant of drug delivery resulting in death, but it found him guilty of PWID and related charges. The trial judge then sentenced him to 17.5 - 35 years in prison for the conviction on PWID and the other charges even though he was acquitted of homicide.

The client retained Attorney Goldstein, and Attorney Goldstein appealed to the Pennsylvania Superior Court. The Superior Court vacated the sentence, finding that it was excessive because it far exceeded the sentencing guidelines in effect at the time of the offense. The Court remanded the case back to the trial judge for a new sentencing hearing. Attorney Goldstein continued to represent M.F. for sentencing. By the time of sentencing, M.F. had been in custody for about six years, so Attorney Goldstein requested a total sentence of roughly 6 - 12 years’ incarceration so that M.F. would be eligible for parole. The trial court agreed with the defense’s recommendation and re-sentenced M.F. as requested by the defense. Accordingly, this successful appeal resulted in a sentence reduction from 17.5 - 35 years to 6 - 12 years, and M.F. will now be eligible for parole.

Read more about the case here.

Facing criminal charges or appealing a criminal case in Pennsylvania?

Criminal Defense Lawyer Zak T. Goldstein, Esquire

If you are facing criminal charges or under investigation by the police, we can help. We have successfully defended thousands of clients against criminal charges in courts throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We have successfully obtained full acquittals and dismissals in cases involving charges such as Conspiracy, Aggravated Assault, Rape, Violations of the Uniform Firearms Act, and First-Degree Murder. We have also won criminal appeals and PCRAs in state and federal court, including the successful direct appeal of a first-degree murder conviction and the exoneration of a client who spent 33 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. Our award-winning Philadelphia criminal defense lawyers offer a free criminal defense strategy session to any potential client. Call 267-225-2545 to speak with an experienced and understanding defense attorney today.